General information about the ground area |
Planned use of ground area | Recreation center (restorative medicine) |
Cadastre account of ground area | Registered |
Cadastre number of area/of quarter | 23:04:0501004:33 |
Declared area (m2) | 26755.00 |
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd) |
Latitude (N) | 45.850140563522 |
Longitude (E) | 38.955305649795 |
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person) |
Phone/fax | 8(86156)32-033/8(86156)34-209 |
E-mail address | |
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority) |
Phone/fax | 8(86156)32-033/8(86156)34-209 |
E-mail address | |