General information about the ground area |
Planned use of ground area | Construction of cottage settlement |
Branch | Housing and municipal complex |
Address of the area | Krasnodar region, Brukhovetsky district, Chkalovà, northeastern part |
Cadastre account of ground area | Registered |
Cadastre number of area/of quarter | 23:04:0509002:02 |
Declared area (m2) | 126000.00 |
Limit size of the area (m2) | 126000.00 |
Land category | Lands of inhabited localities |
Kind of allowed use | Housing estate |
Actual use | For agricultural use |
Permits, town-planning documentation | In accordance with the master plan Brukhovetsky rural settlement, approved by 18.12.2015 ¹ 97 |
Information on a property |
Short description of property | - |
Cost of property, million rub. | |
Information about proprietor (right holder) |
Proprietor | State ownership |
Right holder | In the municipality of Brukhovetsky district |
Kind of right | Rent |
Information on the bankrupted enterprises |
Name of bancrupcy procedure, date of introduction | - |
Market cost of the real estate (according to the report on an assessment in case of its carrying out). Total cost | |
Cost of land plot property | |
Information on carrying out an assessment | - |
Information on carrying out (planning) of the auction on sale of the deptor`s property | - |
Initial price | |
Information about encumbrance and limitation |
Kind of encumbrance, limitation | no |
Encumbrance area | |
Electricity supply |
Power supply center (name, right-holder) | "Kubanenergo" |
Power supply center (electrotension class) | Middle class of tension – from 1 kV to 35 kV |
Power supply center (free power (MWt)) | 1.00 |
Power supply center (distance(m)) | 50.00 |
Nearest connection point (network tension, kV) | 35.00 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 50.00 |
Gas-supplying |
Gas pipeline (name, right-holder) | ''Gazprom gas distribution Krasnodar" |
Gas pipeline (diameter(mm)) | 90.00 |
Gas pipeline (pressure(MPa)) | High pressure pipelines of the I category – from 0,6 to 1,2 |
Gas pipeline (carrying capacity(cube. a year)) | 350400000.00 |
Gas pipeline (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm)) | 90.00 |
Nearest connection point (pressure (MPa)) | High pressure pipelines of the I category – from 0,6 to 1,2 |
Nearest connection point (carrying capacity (cubic meter a year)) | 350400000.00 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Water-supply |
Water supply source (name, right-holder) | Administration Brukhovetsky rural settlement |
Water supply source (power (cubic meters a day)) | 2300.00 |
Water supply source (quality of water) | Service and drinking water |
Water supply source (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Nearest connection point (power (cubic meters a day)) | 2300.00 |
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm)) | 300.00 |
Nearest connection point (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Sewage system |
Type of building (name, right-holder) | Administration Brukhovetsky rural settlement |
Type of building (power (cubic meters a day)) | 2300.00 |
Type of building (distance(m)) | 350.00 |
Nearest point of connection (power (cubic meters a day)) | 2300.00 |
Nearest point of connection (diameter(mm)) | 300.00 |
Nearest point of connection (distance(m)) | 350.00 |
Installation of telephones/internet |
Central network (distance(m)) | 50.00 |
Mobile communication (distance(m)) | 100.00 |
Rated price of the ground area supplying with engineering, mln.rub. | 9.80 |
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure |
Remoteness from | The name | Distance (km) |
Center of municipal formation | Brukhovetskaya village | 1.00 |
Nearest settlement | Chkalovà | |
Center of the subject of federation | Krasnodar | 86.00 |
Highways (regional, federal value) | Krasnodar - Yeisk | 0.10 |
Highways of local value | Brukhovetskaya – Pereyaslovskaya | 0.20 |
Nearest railway station | "Brukhovetskaya" | 5.00 |
Nearest railway | - | 5.00 |
Airport | Krasnodar airport | 106.00 |
Seaport | seaport Novorossiysk | 206.00 |
Additional information about the ground area |
Special conditions | The relief: smooth, quiet; for groundwater data are not available; The dominant wind directions: east and north-east; seismicity - 7 points |
Conditions of investor participation | Rent |
Cost of rent/buy of the ground area, mln. rub. | 0.10 |
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd) |
Latitude (N) | 45.773264 |
Longitude (E) | 39.012562 |
Notes | - |
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person) |
Name / Full name | Administration of Brukhovetsky district municipality |
Postal address | 352750, Krasnodar territory, art. Brukhovetskaya, str. Red, 211 |
Site | |
Phone/fax | 8(86156)32-033/8(86156)34-209 |
E-mail address | |
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority) |
Name | Administration of Brukhovetsky district municipality |
Postal address | 352750, Krasnodar territory, Brukhovetskaya village, str. Red, 211 |
Site | |
Phone/fax | 8(86156)32-033/8(86156)34-209 |
E-mail address | |